Helconia augusta.
Heliconia Red Christmas will add a splash of bright red to a shady area from late Autumn to early Spring
The beautiful red and white flowers and large tropical leaves grow 1m-1.5m tall.
Heliconias are clump forming plants spreading on rhizomes under the ground. The red Christmas spreads about 1m in a garden situation.
Plant in a shady or dappled light position.
They make great cut flowers !!
Plants, Flowers and Foliage Colour, Trailing and Ground Covers
Flowers and Foliage Colour, Plants
Flowers and Foliage Colour, Plants
Flowers and Foliage Colour, Plants, Trailing and Ground Covers
Flowers and Foliage Colour, Plants
Flowers and Foliage Colour, Plants, Trailing and Ground Covers
Flowers and Foliage Colour, Plants
Flowers and Foliage Colour, Plants
Flowers and Foliage Colour, Plants
Flowers and Foliage Colour, Plants
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